Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Madison!!!

I can't believe it, but somehow 5 years have gone by since Maddie was born... where does the time go? We started the day off with Chocolate chip smiley face pancakes and then the race was on to spend the Birthday money that has been burning a hole in her pocket. She decided to save it for the dollar store so she could get "tons" of stuff! Maddie wanted pet fish for her birthday so a few weeks ago Traci and I gave her little goldfish and the kids have loved taking care of them. Madison fed them a few minutes ago and then I found Ryan with the fish food dumping handfuls into their tank. It looks like a little fishy buffet in there.


Lonee Jean said...

Times does go by so fast huh. I cannot believe that our oldest babies are five now!!! I sure miss you guys. Hope to see you soon.

Cindi said...

Happy late birthday, Madi!!!

Melinda said...

She's five?? Wow, time does go by so fast. Happy Birthday Maddie!

mags said...

wow! i can't believe how big your kids are! it is great to see them and you and brandon, even if it is only via blog.

Meagan said...

Wow. I didn't realize that you had a blog! Yay I'm so excited to "see" you guys. send me an email at and I'll send you an invite to my blog. Have a great day!

Melanie Toutai said...

Sandi! Oh my gosh! Your kids are sooooo adorable! I hope you and your family are doing Awesome!


miller family said...

Merry Christmas! Your family looks so great!