Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Trip to the zoo with Spencer, Hunter and Bubba

We went to the Zoo. This was Maddie's first trip since she was 8 months old and Ryan's first time ever. Ryan loved the animals but the little Meir cats made him nervous... It was such a fun trip. Grandma and Andrea came too! We should do this again!!


Jenny said...

Hey, Sandi! I just found your blog. I was looking on my blog and found your profile (since you can view my blog) and then I found yours. I've been meaning to email you to get the address. We miss you guys! how are you feeling these days?

Melinda said...

Hi Sandy, I just found your blog from Jenny's blog! It's fun to hear how you guys are doing. I might have more pictures of the family reunion...I'll check and see. Hope you're feeling good!