Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hello Kitty!

We went to the park yesterday for a picnic and there was a little cat there that chased the kids all over the park, up the stairs and down the slides.... pretty strange for a cat. All was well until the Cat decided to attack us- poor Ryan is now terrified of little zoo animals, dogs and kitty cats.


Jenny said...

Poor Ryan! Jack terrified of dogs. I thought it would get better the more we're around them, but it's not working out that way. How are you feeling these days? It's fun seeing pictures of you guys. Kate loves seeing Maddie!

Melinda said...

Poor Ryan. Geoff had an experience like that when he was really little. It's so strange when a CAT chases people!

Jenny said...

Sandi- what's going on?? I saw your link on Emily's blog and wanted to see what you've been up to. You have such adorable kids!!